God sent his son Jesus, so that through his death, burial and resurrection we may have eternal life! We celebrate this marvelous gift of Grace with praise, worship, testimonies and any other way that will glorify our risen Savior!
Our vision is simple:
The Glory of God in Worship!
"the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship
the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeks such to worship
him" John 4:23. At New life Ministry, it is our purpose to be a
God-centered ministry. we simply desire to be a living temple of praise
where God will abide and grace people with new life. " For God lives in
the praises of His people" Psalm 22:3. To accomplish the purpose of true
Spirit-led worship, New Life Ministry has chosen to follow the biblical
pattern of worship found in Ephesians 5:18-21; which involves hymns,
psalms and spiritual songs, and since the Lord is the same yesterday,
today and forever He is free to inspire a new generation with new music.
The Saving of Sinners!
"For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was
lost"-Luke 19:10. We believe these 16 words summarize our Lord's mission
to earth and they should summarize our mission also. Our purpose at New
Life Ministry is to preach and live the Gospel(Good News) of Jesus to a
lost world. Our passion is to be in full submission and obedience of
the blessed Holy Spirit so that He will empower us to be witnesses for
our marvelous Savior who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again
three days later.
The Training of the Saved!
"God gifted
the church with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers;
for the maturing of the saints, for the work if the ministry, and for
the building-up of the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:11-12. Our goal at
New Life Ministry is to see the next generation take up the gospel-baton
and reach their generation for the Lord. Our purpose at New Life
Ministry is to provide a place for believers to grow in their gifts and
to go forth in fulfillment of Ephesians 4:12
If you have a home
church and pastor, we encourage you to give yourself fully to the Lord
there and build God's kingdom. If you do not have a church family or
pastor, then New Life Ministry invites you to come join us and hopefully
we can be a blessing to you and your family.