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Welcome to New Life Ministry

Welcome to New Life Ministry's website. We invite you to join us in person for worship Sundays at 10:30AM and Bible study Wednesdays at 6:30PM at 4636 Park City Glasgow Rd Park City, KY 42160 Both services are live streamed on Facebook and YouTube and saved for later viewing.
Recent posts

Sunday August 9, 2020 - Hope for the Broken

  This sermon was recorded Sunday August 9, 2020. Pastor Bobby Wood looks at the image of the potter and the clay in Jeremiah 18 to remind us that God offers true hope and the ability to repair the broken. Referenced Bible passages: Jeremiah 18:1-6 (main text, the potter and the clay) John 10:28-29 (no man can pluck another out of the Father's hand) Matthew 25:1-13 (parable of the ten virgins) Mark 2:13-17 (Jesus came to call sinners to repentance) 1 John 4:4 ("...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.") John 16:33 (" of good chear; I have overcome the world.") Genesis 1 (God spoke and all was created) 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (God called Samuel) Jeremiah 17:5 ("...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man...") Proverbs 25:11 ("A work fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.") Galatians 1:11-24 (God called Paul) Matthew 16:13-20 (..."Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.") Romans 8:16 (...

Sunday August 2, 2020 - Roll Call

  This sermon was recorded Sunday August 2, 2020. Pastor Bobby Wood looks at the trial of Jesus before Pilate, the mistakes made when three individuals had the their roll call, and three mistakes Pilate made when his was called. Referenced Bible passages: Matthew 27:22-25 (main text) Revelation 20:11-14 (Great White Throne Judgement, Jesus will judge everyone, mistakenly referenced as Revelation 12) Matthew 27:19 (Pilate's wife had a dream) 2 Samuel 21-23 (age of accountability, implies babies are not held accountable for sin) 1 John 2:2 (age of accountability, the sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient for all sin) Romans 1:20 (age of accountability, babies, young children, and mentally handicapped are not able to "clearly see" God's attributes and assumed not held accountable) Matthew 26:47-68 (arrest and mock trial of Jesus) Mark 8:38 (ashamed) Matthew 26:69-75 (Peter denied Jesus) Matthew 27:1-5 (Judas hanged himself) John 13:29 (Judas was the treasurer) Matthew 27:16-...

Sunday July 26, 2020 - Depression

  This sermon was recorded Sunday July 26, 2020. In this message, Pastor Bobby Wood looks at a somber time in the mighty prophet Elijah's life, his time of depression. Referenced Bible passages: 1 Kings 19:1-13 (main text) 1 Kings 12:1-24 (the division of Israel and Judah) 1 Kings 16:29-33 (King Ahab) 1 Kings 18:4 (Jezebel killed the hidden prophets) 1 Kings 21:25-26 (Jezebel led Ahab to follow Baal) 1 Kings 17:1:-7 (Elijah prayed for drought) 1 Kings 18:20-46 (God showed Baal is false at Mount Carmel, the drought ended) 1 Corinthians 10:12 (take heed) John 14 ("Let not your heart be troubled") Matthew 6:25-34 ("Do not worry") James 1:5 (ask for wisdom) Hebrews 13:5 ("I will never leave you nor forsake you.") Daniel 3 (the three Hebrews in the furnace) Psalms 23:4 (valley of the shadow of death) Revelation 2:18-29 (Jezebel spirit in the church) Job 2:9 (Job's wife) Matthew 16:21-23, Mark 8:31-33 (Jesus rebuking Peter) Leviticus 19:31 (familiar spir...

Sunday July 19, 2020 - Pruned or Punished

  This sermon was recorded Sunday July 19, 2020. Brother Ben Wood examines Jesus's declaration of the true vine and how the Father prunes believers to bear fruit or punishes those who reject God's will. Referenced Bible passages: John 15:1-10 1 Timothy 6:10 Matthew 26:24 1 Samuel 16:1-13 1 Samuel 17 Joshua 1:1-9 Hebrews 13:5 Matthew 7:24-27 Romans 8:37 Romans 1:20 Revelation 20:11-15 Matthew 25:31-46 Matthew 6:19-21 Psalm 80 Isaiah 5:1-7 John 15:9 Luke 15:11-31 Acts 13:22 Isaiah 64:8 Matthew 28:16-20 Luke 14:15-24 James 4:13-14 Luke 9:62 (mistakenly referenced as John 9) Audio podcast of sermon:

Sunday July 12, 2020 - Sanctified, Secured, and Summoned

  This sermon was recorded Sunday July 12, 2021. Pastor Bobby Wood continues in the book of Jude who wrote how believers are sanctified, secured, and summoned to have compassion as they contend for the faith. Referenced Bible passages: Jude 3, 22-23 John 15:18 Genesis 3 John 3:16 John 14:6 2 Samuel 14:28-33 Jude 1 Romans 3:12 Audio podcast of sermon:

Sunday July 5, 2020 - Making a Difference

  This sermon was recorded Sunday July 5, 2020. Pastor Bobby Wood goes through the book of Jude on how we can see success contending for the faith and making a difference only if we allow the Spirit to do His work. Referenced Bible passages: Jude 17-25 Jude 3 Luke 1:35-37 Romans 8:9 Jude 14 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 Audio podcast of sermon: